The main focus of my work is the vulnerability both of the human being and of the earth, the cycle of trasformation and evolution that have inside the concept of separation and belonging.
I have always been attracted to the border between two opposing feelings or actions, by those thresholds in which it shows the extremely vulnerability.This attraction is deeply rooted in my personal story as my life began broken by a separation between my family's homeland and my birthplace.
The trips between those two places held both intense joy and suffering, in wich the lines between belonging and enstrangement were particularly blurry. This experience leads me to my artistic research in which I seek a balance between these two feelings, a thread that connects them, to try and preserve the memory of wounds.
Two more elements shape my artworks: the organic materials -represent movement, fluidity, changing and the protundering object that act like thresholds between consistency and emptiness, elements of birth but of loss at the same time.
Lace and the ropes are protagonists in my art, with their symbolic strenght and frailty. Those materials become forms in continuos evolution,evocative of sensation felt throught the bosy rather than the mind.
My artistic practice is extremely visceral, bodily almost allusive to a sexual act. My starting point are always images that I record in visual notes that speak the same language in which the body is central to convey that sense of vulnerability which permeates the entire world around us.
My creative process manifest itself as kind of rhythm, a kind of energy it seems as if my work and myself existed only at that moment, in the space between the beginning and the end; that ongoing place is my peace on earth is the space in which I am not alone once more.